Saturday, 23 February 2019


the other day i caught a train to see the dune du pilat which is a pile of sand an hour from bordeaux. when i arrived i was reminded again of my love for oceans and forests and the mist that settles around where they meet. the place can be described as an underwhelming and rationed version of dunes in australia. i'm not saying this dune wasn't good enough, because it was beautiful, but let's just say there's more sand to be found at a chinese construction site.

towards the end of my trip i encountered a taiwanese mother and son duo on holiday in the region for the week. the son told me i could hang out with them if i wanted to—as i was alone.

yesterday i was talking to my love about how i met these two people from taiwan and he said 'oh, i met a taiwanese person recently,' i looked at him and knew, 'it's the same person.' 

me: he's tall-ish and has a bowl-like cut if the bowl was a very shallow dish that could double as a plate... 
him: yeah...
me: he speaks english with an american accent and is super polite!
him: yeah
me: *pulls out a photo* IS THIS HIM??
him: *bursts into laughter* yeah!

damn, in taiwan they call that 缘分.